Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Captions at last!! Thanks to PIP

Who would have thought that PIP would be the answer to all my research?! PIP, in case you don't know, is Picture-in-Picture - made so you can watch baseball & your favorite movie at the same time. We didn't need to invest thousands of dollars for captioning software after all.

We purchased a large screen plasma TV last week that has PIP capability and connections for our live video feed and voila! we have captions. The TV we purchased is a Viewsonic N2751, 27" HD LCD. It has the ability to have PIP in 4 different sizes. We have chosen the largest window which divides the screen in half vertically. Placing the video feed and the computer screen side by side.

I believe many other TV models would work just as well or better so find the best deal you can. Look for a screen resolution that is 1280x768 or better with built-in dual tuners for picture-in-picture display.

Set up is very simple. I plug in the electricity, the video feed, and connect it to our laptop computer (our tech guy had the cord on-hand), you may need to purchase one at a local Radio Shack. We have placed the TV on a rolling cart so it can be rolled in and out of our auditorium easily.

This set up will work with our stenography set-up or our voice writing set-up. It has been a very cost effective solution to our problem.


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